Friday, June 13, 2008


It has been a roller coaster of a week. I went from finding out at 4pm on Monday that I was getting by 4pm on Friday having restructured my position and staying on the job with a company and in an industry I really love.
Thank you all for your encouragement, good energy and prayers.


Thursday, June 12, 2008

Do you remember this Seinfeld episode?

George, drinking tea in his apartment with his girlfriend: "I-I've given this a lot of thought. I'm sorry, but we, uh, we have to break up."
Maura: "No."
George, after hesitating: "What's that?"
Maura: "We're not breaking up."
George, after hesitating: "We're not?"
Maura: "No."
George, after hesitating even longer: "All right."

I'm using this approach to try to keep my job - wish me luck. I should know something on Friday.

Wednesday, June 04, 2008

Can you still find these?

Back awhile ago, Liz was talking about the famous pink mints that Jack and Doris always had handy when we were growing up - she was telling me that they have disappeared! I was sure she was nuts...I don't buy them often but there has never been a time I couldn't find them in any candy aisle. Much to my dismay Liz is right! Since she brought it up I've been looking and they are nowhere to be found!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Monday, June 02, 2008


I just re-worked my budget because I'm going in the hole every month. I had to bump-up my gas line item to $600 per month. That's just to get to work and run errands - nothing extra.