So this morning I'm heading off to work and on my way out the door I grab a hard-boiled egg and stuck it in the pocket of my jacket. I picked up my keys, bag and walked out the door. The pocket is open at the top but I've never had an issue of anything falling out.
Halfway to work I noticed that the egg is gone. It is not rolling around on the car floor and once I got the the office I searched the car --- no egg!
My vote is for the bag--you thought it hit your pocket, but it slipped into your bag instead.?. What I really want to read about is The Case of Where the Heck Did you Get that GREAT Jacket?!
thanks - I get almost all my clothes from Ross, TJMax, etc.
In the lining of your coat? Maybe Bugs Meany stole it!
I say your nose will soon find it in the car where your eyes can not.
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