Wednesday, June 04, 2008

Can you still find these?

Back awhile ago, Liz was talking about the famous pink mints that Jack and Doris always had handy when we were growing up - she was telling me that they have disappeared! I was sure she was nuts...I don't buy them often but there has never been a time I couldn't find them in any candy aisle. Much to my dismay Liz is right! Since she brought it up I've been looking and they are nowhere to be found!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Jaime said...

Now I am on a the come in a bag or a roll. I am notsure I have ever seen them before. Is there a brand name?

Jenny said...

they come in a bag - cleart cellophane about 5x9" on a hanging know tht section that used to be 2 bags for a buck.

Elizabeth said...

Oh no , if you can't find them who can! Now of course I want them after seeing that picture.